
"First we shape our buildings then our buildings shape us"

- Winston Churchill

The power of neuroscience to help organisations has become increasingly clear over the last decade.

The ability to see deep into the human brain using Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) has give psychologists a unique insight into areas once hidden from view

Now we can see how the sub conscious brain reacts to external stimuli. The evidence is clear that Churchill was well ahead of his time. This research has enabled organisations like NASA to design environments and equipment for perfroamnce and safety in hostile conditions.

The research has shown that the primaeval crcuits that enabled our ancestors to survive are still very much active and drive human behaviour - particularly in the way we react to the conditions around us. 

Now that knowledge is avilable to you for the very first time. Our specialist unit PSYenz takes cutting edge neuroscience and applies it to working area designs and equipment to create well being and performance in your people.

If you want to know how you can massively engage your people by a few tweaks of the way their working environment is organised then speak to our experts in the PSYenz unit:



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